Date & Time Wednesday, 21 April 2021 16:30-17:30
Platform Tencent Meeting (please download the Tencent Meeting in advance)
Database Introduction

ScienceDirect is the leading platform of peer-reviewed literature that helps you move your research forward. Built on the widest range of trusted, high-quality, interdisciplinary research, ScienceDirect helps you find answers to your most pressing research questions, stay on top of your field, and gain in-depth insights into trending research topics as you take your next steps in discovery.

• 2,500 journals, 16 million articles
• 39,000 e-books, including books, book series and major reference works
• Digital archives that reach as far back as 1823

Database Access Here

When you step into the research field, how to face the new challenges and questions? How to get your research published and then noticed? What will editors and reviewers look at? How can we use database and tools to improve research efficiency?

In this workshop, we will discuss on the following points:
• History of Elsevier/ScienceDirect
• Important points in getting published in Elsevier
• Practical tools and database to improve research efficiency
• Q&A
Certificate of Attendance

A certificate of attendance issued by Elsevier will be given all who attend the workshop. Attendees can download the certificate after the workshop through the following link (The access code can be obtained during the workshop).

Feedback survey

Please provide feedback on this workshop by completing the survey:

Medium of Instruction English
Speakers Dr. Jing (Helen) XU, Elsevier Customer Consultant
Target Audience Faculty, Researchers & Postgraduate Students
Application MEETING LINKMeeting ID: Tencent Meeting 199 290 065
Inquiries Tel: 8599-6241 / 8599-6708