Bloomberg Businessweek Archive
- Magazine Archive
- Business and Economics
EBSCO Information Services
Bloomberg Businessweek Archive is the world’s only complete digital version of the Businessweek backfile. With coverage starting at the magazine’s first issue in 1929, the archive contains more than 65 years' worth of content not available on any other EBSCO full-text product.
CINAHL Complete
- Nursing and Allied Health
- Journal Articles
- Evidence-Based Care Sheets
- Quick Lessons
- Indexes and Images
EBSCO Information Services
CINAHL Complete is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing & allied health literature and supports nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. It provides full-text coverage of English-language nursing and allied health journals and publications from well-known associations including the American Occupation Therapy Association and the American Diabetes Association.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
- Featured
- Popular
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is a multidisciplinary e-book collection that covers topics across programs and fields of study in key subject areas such as the humanities and social sciences, business, science & technology, and medical.
Remarks: Adobe Digital Editions and MyEBSCOhost account is required for downloading eBook, Library users may sign up their own account on the sign in page.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
- Education Literature and Resources
- Journal Articles
- Books and Book Chapters
- Conference Papers
- Dissertations
- Education-Specific Thesaurus
- Curriculum Guides
- Policy Papers
EBSCO Information Services
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds. ERIC contains records and links to nearly 750,000 of full-text documents, coverage dating back to 1907. It includes records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers
- Journal Articles
- Environment
- Agriculture
- Law and Education
- Health and Technology
EBSCO Information Services
GreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
MEDLINE Complete
- Featured
- Popular
- Journal Articles
- Biomedical and Health
- Nursing and Healthcare
EBSCO Information Services
MEDLINE Complete is a leading full-text database of biomedical and health journals, providing full text for thousands of top medical journals with cover-to-cover indexing. Its Subject Headings help users effectively search and retrieve information and follow the structure of the Medical Subject headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. It is an essential research tool for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers.
EBSCO OpenDissertations
- Dissertations and Theses
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Open Dissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world.
Regional Business News (RBN)
- Business and Economics
- Newspapers and Magazines
- News Transcripts
- Trade Publications
EBSCO Information Services
Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces, including The Washington Post, PR Newswire US and more. Content includes nearly 40 active full-text, non-open access U.S. and Canadian business publications, with full-text coverage dating back to 1990.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text
- Article Database
- Sports and Sports Medicine
EBSCO Information Services
SPORTDiscus with Full text is the definitive database for sports and sports medicine research. Providing hundreds of full-text sports medicine journals, it is an essential tool for health professionals and researchers studying fitness, health and sports.
Teacher Reference Center (TRC)
- Bibliographic Database
- Early and Higher Education
- Continuing Education
- Curriculum Development
- School Administration
- Assessment and Practices
- Literacy Standards
EBSCO Information Services
Teacher Reference Center is a complimentary research database for teachers, provides indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.